فارسی عربي


Iran antiques to go on display in Germany

Hundreds of pieces of Iranian antiques have been sent to Germany to be displayed as part of a ‘Water and Desert’ Exhibition, an official says.

The ‘Water and Desert’ exhibit will feature as many as 425 pieces of Iranian historical and valuable objects, Deputy Head of Iran Cultural Heritage, Handcrafts and Tourism Organization Mohammad Hassan Talebian said Wednesday.

The exhibition is particularly important for Iran since the two cases of Iran’s Lut desert and the Persian Qanats were inscribed in UNESCO World Heritage List in August, the Iranian official emphasized.

“The theme of the exhibition is water and desert and it was important to us to introduce these two cases on the international scene,” he said.

He went on to say that Iranian officials are currently in talks with a number of European countries, including France, Germany and the UK, in organizing an exhibition of their antiquities in Iran.

“The exhibition of a number of antique pieces from the Louvre Museum will be definitely held in Iran. Our experts are expected to visit France soon in order to choose the pieces for display in Tehran,” Talebian said.

The display of a number of antique pieces from the prestigious French museum in Iran is in line with an agreement signed between Iran and France last April.

The ‘Water and Desert’ Exhibition will be held in Germany on April 13, 2017.

